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Copyright © 2024 Electra Simon, all rights reserved.

Confessions + 

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Portfolio Upon Request +

Copyright © 2024 Electra Simon, all rights reserved.


🛐 A series of work that explores the tradition of confession.

🤫 I'm creating a makeshift confession box in my studio and inviting people to come and confess. The idea is to explore how confessions look in a secular society. Does the act necessarily presuppose an objective morality? Or can they still be useful as an unburdening of ourselves? What happens to the ownership of your thoughts once they're expressed? As two, we're a microcosm of society, so it makes it a lot easier to think about these questions together, rather than as an individual. We're more interesting in dialogue than we are on our own, especially in the space of a confession box which traditionally represents a human dialogue with God.

After the session I make a painting afterward that captures the essence of what is revealed. It will be as anonymous & ambiguous as desired.

😈 If you're curious to know more, or would like to confess, please email me (

Confession 01 2023
Oil on linen canvas, 60cm x 50cm

Confession 02 2023
Oil on linen canvas, 30cm x 30cm

Confession 03 2023
Oil on linen canvas, 60cm x 50cm

Confession 04 2023
Oil on linen canvas, 120cm x100cm

Confession 05 2023
Oil on linen canvas, 30cm x 30cm

Confession 06 2023
Oil on linen canvas, 20cm x 20cm

Confession 07 2023
Oil on linen canvas, 60cm x 40cm

Confession 08 2023
Oil on linen canvas, 30cm x 20cm

Confession 09 2023
Oil on linen canvas, 100cm x 60cm

Confession 10 2024
Oil on cotton canvas with bespoke metal frame (50cm x 70cm) + (50cm x 70cm)

Confession 11 2022
Oil and silk paint on cotton canvas (20cm x 20cm) 

Confession 12 2024
Oil on linen canvas, 100cm x 70cm

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